

Atomtronics is an emerging interdisciplinary field in physics that promises to realize the atomic circuits exploiting ultra-cold atoms manipulated in micro-optical circuits generated by laser fields of different shapes and intensities. With the current knowhow in the field, circuits with a lithographic precision can be realized. In principle, all aspects of mesoscopic physics and devices (amplifiers, sensors, diodes etc.) can also be explored.

We explore a ring-shaped trap with a condensate at the center of the ring, where it is possible to detect the orientation of the flowing atom current. We will analyze the dynamics of the related condensate. We will also consider Bose condensates in ring-shaped traps interrupted by two or three weak links. For the atomtronics quantum interference device and Nakamura flux-qubit configurations with two and three impurity sites, respectively, we will study the dynamics of two-level systems, including dynamics under noise in the effective magnetic field. In ring-shaped lattices, we will study the supersolid phases in a mesoscopic ring. Disorder in the potential and Anderson localization will be addressed. Finally, we will investigate the quench dynamics in ring traps, by first changing the Hamiltonian parameters abruptly and then studying the released condensate in order to engineer manybody phases through specific dynamics of the coupling constants.

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R. Dumke, Z. Lu, J. Close, N. Robins, A. Weis, M. Mukherjee, G. Birkl, Ch. Hufnagel, L. Amico, M. G Boshier, K. Dieckmann, W. Li and T. C Killian ‘Roadmap on quantum optical systems’, J. Opt. 18 093001 (2016).


D Aghamalyan, N T Nguyen, F Auksztol, K S Gan, M Martinez Valado, P C Condylis, L-C Kwek, R Dumke and L Amico, ‘An atomtronic flux qubit: a ring lattice of Bose–Einstein condensates interrupted by three weak links’, New J. Phys., Volume 18, (2016).


M. Siercke, F.E. Oon, A. Mohan, Z.W. Wang, M.J. Lim, R. Dumke, 'Density dependence of the Ionization Avalanche in ultracold Rydberg gases', Phys. Rev. A 89, 022701 (2014).


L. Amico, D. Aghamalyan, H. Crepaz, F. Auksztol, R. Dumke, and L.C. Kwek, ‘Superfluid qubit systems with ring shaped optical lattices’, Scientific Reports 4, 4298.


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